Huobi Global Will Support SUN Token Swap

 Latest News    |      2021-05-28

Dear Users,

Huobi Global will support the old SUN tokens swap to new SUN tokens under the SUN Redenomination and Upgrade Plan, with the following arrangements:

To distinguish between new and old SUN tokens, the old ones will be renamed as SUNOLD after the upgrade (hereinafter old SUN tokens will be referred to as SUNOLD), and new SUN tokens will be called “SUN.”

  • Cease the margin loan service for SUNOLD at 08:00 AM on May 30 (UTC);
  • Liquidate positions and settle the cross-margin orders of SUNOLD at 03:00 AM on May 31 (UTC), following which, cross-margin trading pairs of SUNOLD will be delisted (click HERE to learn more);
  • Liquidate positions and settle SUNOLD orders on Coin-Margined Swaps at 03:00 AM on June 1 (UTC), following which, SUNOLD trading pairs on Coin-Margined Swapswill be delisted (click HERE to learn more);
  • Cease SUNOLD deposit & withdrawal at 05:00 AM on June 1 (UTC);
  • Delist all SUNOLD spot trading pairs and cancel all SUNOLD pending orders at 06:00 AM on June 1 (UTC). Subsequently, a snapshot of user holdings will be taken, and SUN tokens will be distributed to users at a ratio of 1 SUNOLD : 1,000 SUN.
  • The opening time for SUN deposit & withdrawal will be announced separately. Please stay tuned!

Please deposit SUNOLD to Huobi Global before 05:00 AM on June 1 (UTC). If you wish to swap for new tokens, we will handle all matters for you.