Introduction of Stop-Limit Orders

 Trading FAQs    |      2020-05-01

"Stop-limit" order refers to the pre-set stop (trigger) price and limit price and amount after trigger. When the latest price reaches the trigger price, the order will be placed according to the pre-set price to help users maintain profits or reduce losses.

Description of parameters:




Buy or sell


When the "latest price" reaches the "stop price" set by the user, the stop-limit order will be triggered and the order will be issued.


After the stop-limit order has been triggered, the order will be placed at the limit price.


The quantity of the order issued after it has been triggered.



Description of risk control:




The limit price cannot be higher than 110% of the stop price.


The limit price cannot be lower than 90% of the stop price.




Stop loss scenario.

Take BTC/USDT pair for example. Suppose that you buy 10 BTC at the price of 3764.05 USDT. The price around 3615.45 USDT is the support level and if the price falls below the support level, it will continue to fall and your loss should be stopped in time. You can sell 10 BTC at a price of 3591.13 USDT. Use the following parameters to set the stop-limit order:

Type: Sell.

Stop: 3615.45 USDT.

Limit: 3591.13 USDT.

Amount: 10 BTC.

Stop profit scenario.

Take BTC/USDT pair for example. The current price of BTC is 3772.31 USDT. Through indicator analysis, the resistance level of BTC is around 3865.45 USDT. If the price breaks through resistance level, it will continue to rise. You can buy 20 BTC at a price of 3915.15 USDT. Use the following parameters to set the stop-limit order:

Type: Buy.

Stop: 3865.45 USDT.

Limit: 3915.15 USDT.

Amount: 20 BTC.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. Place an order: You turn on "Order confirmation" in your personal settings. Enter the stop price, limit price, and amount in the transaction panel, and then click "Buy" or "Sell". The system window prompts you for double confirmation, and the system will not carry out the stop-limit order unless you authorize it.
  2. Inquiry: If you authorize a stop-limit order to be issued, you can query the order record in the "Open orders", and after the order is triggered, the "Trigger condition" field will be highlighted in green. After the stop-limit order is fully filled, the records can be checked in the Order History.
  3. Cancel order: If you want to cancel the stop-limit order, you always cancel it before the order is fully filled.