Huobi USDT-margined Swaps API Access Document

 New Listings    |      2021-03-09

Dear valued users, 

Welcome to join Huobi USDT-margined Swaps Market Maker Program. If you have more than 100,000 USDT in your Huobi USDT-margined swaps account, please provide the following information to [email protected]:

  • Huobi UID. (UID without rebate relationship)
  • Screenshots of maker trading volume on other platforms. (e.g. trading volume in 30 days, VIP level)

Note:Point card deduction, VIP and trading volume related activities, or any form of rebate activities are not supported in this market maker program.


The market makers of Huobi futures or coin-margined swaps could apply for the same-level rights of the Huobi USDT-margined swaps market makers.

Note: users who are a market maker of both Huobi futures or coin-margined swaps can directly enjoy the higher-level rights of the market maker as the rights of the USDT-margined swaps.

We sincerely welcome users with large maker trading volume to join our USDT-margined Swaps Market Maker Program on a long term basis.

If you are an USDT-margined swaps VIP from other platforms, you can also apply for the corresponding preferential policy through our Huobi USDT-margined swaps VIP Sharing Program. For details, please click here.

Huobi USDT-margined swaps market makers enjoy following rights and benefits:

  • Preferential fee rate; negative fee rate for makers
  • Higher API rate limit
  • Larger position limit
  • Newly joined market makers are free from evaluation in the first natural month
  • Being able to open sub-accounts for USDT-margined swaps trading without application (Check more details about contract sub-accounts>>>)
  • Colocation service




A client applies to be a MM during March, he/she can enjoy the preferential MM fee structure, higher API rate limit and larger position limit without KPI requirements on the maker volume during the whole March, but from the month of April and onwards, the client's MM performance will be evaluated according to the maker volume.For details of performance evaluation criteria:

Huobi USDT-margined Swaps Market Maker Evaluation Standard>>>


Huobi Futures has established an official Huobi Futures Quantitative Trading group.

Welcome users to join us: please add our official WeChat account(dm18122,dm59488), leaving note like “add into Quantitative Trading group”. Thanks!



**For more information about API, please check links below:

Huobi Futures official website address:;

API access address:

For Chinese users:

Huobi Futures Support Center- Huobi Futures:

Huobi USDT-margined Swaps API:

API document address:

Java DEMO address:

Python DEMO address:

Postman DEMO address:

CSharp DEMO address:

Golang DEMO address:

C++ DEMO address:

PS: USDT-margined swaps api is similar to Coin-margined swaps api and future api.


Complete API samples:

API Rate Limit Illustration for USDT-margined Swaps:

Future, Coin Margined Swap,Option Swap and USDT Margined Swap are using separate API rate limits.

Please note that, for both public interface and private interface, there are rate limits, more details are as below:

  • Generally, the private interface rate limit of API key is at most 72 times every 3 seconds for each UID (Trade Interface: at most 36 times every 3 seconds. Read Interface: at most 36 times every 3 seconds) (this rate limit is shared by all the altcoins contracts delivered by different date). API Interface List
  • For public interface used to get information of index, price limit, settlement, delivery, open positions and so on, the rate limit is 120 times every 3 second at most for each IP (this 120 times every 3 second public interface rate limit is shared by all the requests from that IP of non-marketing information, like above).
  • For public interface to get market data such as Get Kline data, Get Market Data Overview, Get Contract Information,Get market in-depth data, Get premium index Kline, Get real-time forecast capital rate kline, Get basis data, Get the last Trade of a Contract and so on:

    (1)For restful interfaces, products, (future, coin margined swap, usdt margined swap and option)800 times/second for one IP at most

    (2)For websocket: The rate limit for “req” request is 50 times at once. No limit for “sub” request as the data will be pushed by sever voluntarily.

  • WebSocket, the private order push interface, requires API KEY Verification:
    Each UID can build at most create 30 WS connections for private order push at the same time. For each account, contracts of the same underlying coin only need to subscribe one WS order push, e.g. users only need to create one WS order push connection for BTC Contract which will automatically push orders of BTC-USDT contracts. Please note that the rate limit of WS order push and RESTFUL private interface are separated from each other, with no relations.
  • Both read and trade interfaces will return the ratelimit info.You can refer to the following fields of "header" from api response. E.g.,you will get the total Read ratelimit("ratelimit-limit") and the remaining Read ratelimit("ratelimit-remaining") when you query the order info(/linear-swap-api/v1/swap_account_info) , and you will get the total Trade ratelimit("ratelimit-limit") and the remaining Trade ratelimit("ratelimit-remaining") when you place an order(/linear-swap-api/v1/swap_order)). API Interface List
  • Will response following string for "header" via api

    ratelimit-limit: the upper limit of requests per time, unit: times

    ratelimit-interval: reset interval (reset the number of request), unit: ms

    ratelimit-remaining: the left available request number for this round, unit: times

    ratelimit-reset: upper limit of reset time used to reset request number, unit: ms

    When API Limitation on Order Cancellation Ratio is triggered,the following string for "header" via api will also be returned:

    recovery-time: recovery timestamp, whose unit is millisecond, showing the end time of prohibition, or the access retrieval timestamp;

    if you are not in the prohibition period, the field is not included in returned header;